Tuesday, January 15, 2013

The Treasure of a Parent

my miracle baby girl

The experience of being a first time parent is priceless. Witnessing the first laugh of your child, the first cry, and the moment he or she speaks the first word is something to be remembered in a lifetime. Being a parent comes with great challenges, but surpassing all these bring great reward. The love of a child for a parent, every smile, and the innocent show of dependence is heartwarming. It can make a parent believe that everything is all worth it.

Whether you are a first time parent or not, welcoming a baby is a joyful event in one's life. For months, the child has been waited. The anticipation level increases its as months pass by, so as the mother's difficulty as her womb gets bigger to accommodate the growing life inside. The sacrifice in childbirth sometimes is too much for the mother to bear, but the love for her offspring overcomes all the pain just to hear the first cry of her child. The father's happiness and the warmth of mother's embrace welcomes the baby in her new world. The child will not remember anything of it, but the memory of such happiness will forever be encrypted in the hearts of the parents.

Much more before a baby's arrival is the thorough preparation of parents to be. The soon Mom and Dad usually shop for kids stuffs to keep their little one comfortable in her small world. In their enjoyable expectation, the parents decide what their kid will use and wear from colors to designs. Even looking for mini-dresses, small cloth shoes, little hats, bibs, blankets, feeding items, and other baby needs is an experience people cannot have everyday, and it will always be a part of parenting.

In the very moment the child is born, the baby is not the only one born to a new world, but the mother as well. Her, being a woman is fully given meaning, and her life will be dedicated to learning, and making the most of being a parent. It is an added responsibility, but a responsibility entwined with love and care. Mothers and fathers are also newborns, for they are to embark another journey together with the family they created. There can be difficult challenges to come, but keeping this relationship intact should be a goal of every parent. A family is precious, especially to a child who is to be prepared to this dynamic world. Children are to be nurtured, cherished, and cared, until the time they are capable of handling their own lives. Kids will grow and depart their childhood, yet parents will always be parents.

Parenting is no joke, it is a decision that must be taken seriously, and one cannot simply turn backwards when things did not get in tune with expectations. The responsibility to take care of life is given to the hands of parents, and no matter what, they are to give their child or children the love they deserve.

Kids are gift; their sweet smiles are joy incarnate, and they are their parent's treasures.

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