Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Easy Tips in Dressing a Newborn

The day after the wait has finally arrived. You just found out that you conceived with a baby and you are on your way to be a parent. This moment is exhilarating for the couple, and the idea of being a Mom and Dad is as promising as having a newborn. Here, the start of the whole new world for couple await, they will adjust their lives to being parents as a preparation when their little bundle of joy comes.

More to the joy of being a parent is the excitement of new experiences, and the first, is shopping for baby's clothes. If you are a parent who is quite overwhelmed with the preparations for your baby, below is a guide to help you shop for your baby's basic essentials.

There are three classifications of clothes for babies:

  • Preemie Clothes
  • Baby Clothes (0-3 Months, 3-6 Months, 6-12 Months, 12-24 Months)
  • Toddler Clothes (2T, 3T, 4T)

Since you are a parent to a newborn, the first thing you will need are preemie clothes. These are baby clothes that your little one can wear from 0-3 months. Depending on how fast your baby will grow, you can replenish your preemie clothes to other baby clothes with bigger sizes.

If you happen to go to baby stores may it be online or at shopping stores, many of newborn clothings come in handy packages which are composed of basic clothes that will be needed by the baby. This package known as layette is often given as gift by relatives or in baby showers. If you happen to be given a layette, check the contents of the package and shop for the essentials lacking or you can add some to complete your baby's need.

What are the basic pieces your baby's first wardrobe set should have?


OnesieA one-piece baby clothing which is short-sleeved and legless is called onesie. This outfit is friendly to moms in terms of diapering since it has a snap at the crotch that can easily be removed if there is a need for a change of diaper for babies. You need not to buy lots of onesies since it is the first to be outgrown by the baby.

footed sleepers

Footed Sleepers This type of baby clothing is also one-piece but unlike onesies, it snaps up from ankles to chin for more protection for the baby. In choosing sleepers, find a good fabric that will keep the baby comfortable according to the weather. Footed sleepers are versatile than other clothes since it can be used in daytime for playing and for night-time for sleeping.

Shirt and Leggings

Shirt and Leggings When you want to wear your child a two-piece garb, you can individually purchase for a shirt and leggings. Find shirts having snaps at the neck of shoulder for easier slip on the baby's head, while leggings should be stretchable and fits the diaper and belly.

Socks and Booties

Socks and Booties Socks is an essential, while booties can be optional. Socks are used to protect and keep the baby's feet warm indoor, while booties are for extra protection outdoors.

Hats and mittens

Hats and mittens Wear you baby a comfortable hat and elastic mitten to keep the baby warm.
In purchasing newborn baby clothes, if possible do not get some with long ribbons because this can bring choking hazard. There are plenty that you can add in your list depending on your budget for baby clothes.

About the Author

One of the biggest retailers of trendy and custom-made baby clothings, My Miracle Baby aims to be an icon in baby's personalized fashion in the United States. With its more than 2,500 line of personalized baby stuffs including gifts, dresses, newborn clothes, and many more, parents can enjoy a wide variety of styles for their little miracles. MyMiracleBaby Inc. strives not only to be a successful kids clothing store in the market, but also to be an online haven where parents can share their joyful parenting experiences.

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