Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Easy Tips in Dressing a Newborn

The day after the wait has finally arrived. You just found out that you conceived with a baby and you are on your way to be a parent. This moment is exhilarating for the couple, and the idea of being a Mom and Dad is as promising as having a newborn. Here, the start of the whole new world for couple await, they will adjust their lives to being parents as a preparation when their little bundle of joy comes.

More to the joy of being a parent is the excitement of new experiences, and the first, is shopping for baby's clothes. If you are a parent who is quite overwhelmed with the preparations for your baby, below is a guide to help you shop for your baby's basic essentials.

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

The Treasure of a Parent

my miracle baby girl

The experience of being a first time parent is priceless. Witnessing the first laugh of your child, the first cry, and the moment he or she speaks the first word is something to be remembered in a lifetime. Being a parent comes with great challenges, but surpassing all these bring great reward. The love of a child for a parent, every smile, and the innocent show of dependence is heartwarming. It can make a parent believe that everything is all worth it.

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